Journal publications
(Students and Postdoctoral Scholars underlined)
Articles in review
“Quantitative evaluation of reanalysis and numerical weather prediction models for wind resource predictions in offshore, coastal, and terrestrial environments”
Qiu L and Howland MF
In review (2025) [preprint]
“Annual wake impacts in and between wind farm clusters modelled by a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model and fast-running engineering models”
Porchetta S, Howland MF, Borgers R, Buckingham S and Munters W
In review (2025) [preprint]
“Coriolis effects on wind turbine wakes across neutral atmospheric boundary layer regimes”
Heck KS and Howland MF
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2025) [Article, pdf]
“Decarbonized energy system planning with high-resolution spatial representation of renewables lowers cost”
Qiu L, Khorramfar R, Amin S and Howland MF
Cell Reports Sustainability (2024), Cover Article [Article, pdf]
“Momentum deficit and wake-added turbulence kinetic energy budgets in the stratified atmospheric boundary layer”
Klemmer KS and Howland MF
Physical Review Fluids (2024), Editors' Suggestion [Article, pdf]
“Unified Momentum Model for Rotor Aerodynamics Across Operating Regimes”
Liew J, Heck KS and Howland MF
Nature Communications (2024) [Article, pdf]
“Modeling the effect of wind speed and direction shear on utility-scale wind turbine power production”
Mata S, Martínez JJP, Quesada JB, Larrañaga FP, Yadav N, Chawla J, Sivaram V and Howland MF
Wind Energy (2024), Cover Article [Article, pdf]
“Going beyond decarbonization: Designing renewables for environmental co-benefits”
Qiu L and Howland MF
Joule (2024) [Article]
"Evaluation of wind resource uncertainty on energy production estimates for offshore wind farms"
Klemmer K, Condon E, and Howland MF
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2024) [Article]
"Analysing the impact of failure rates for the next generation of offshore wind turbines considering wind turbine type and location"
Donnelly O, Carroll J, and Howland MF
Wind Energy (2024) [Article]
"CalibrateEmulateSample.jl: Accelerated Parametric Uncertainty Quantification"
Dunbar ORA, Bieli M, Garbuno-Iñigo A, Howland MF, Nogueira de Souza A, Mansfield LA, Wagner GL, and Efrat-Henrici N
Journal of Open Source Software (2024) [Article]
“Modeling the induction, thrust, and power of a yaw misaligned actuator disk”
Heck KS, Johlas HM and Howland MF
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2023) [Article, open access pdf (of preprint)]
"Towards sequential sensor placements on a wind farm to maximize lifetime energy and profit"
Yildiz A, Mern J, Kochenderfer MJ and Howland MF
Renewable Energy (2023) [Article]
"Parameter uncertainty quantification of wake models to analyze effects of wake superposition"
LoCascio M, Gorle C and Howland MF
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2023) [Article, open access pdf (of preprint)]
“Visual anemometry for physics-informed inference of wind,”
Dabiri JO, Howland MF, Fu MK and Goldshmid RH
Nature Reviews Physics (2023) [Article, open access pdf (of preprint)]
“Collective wind farm operation based on a predictive model increases utility-scale energy production”
Howland MF, Quesada JB, Martínez JJP, Larrañaga FP, Yadav N, Chawla J, Sivaram V and Dabiri JO
Nature Energy (2022), Cover Article [Article]
“Operating wind farm turbines collectively increases total energy production”
Howland MF
Nature Research Briefing (2022) [Article]
"Ensemble-Based Experimental Design for Targeted High-Resolution Simulations to Inform Climate Models"
Dunbar ORA, Howland MF, Schneider T and Stuart AM
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) (2022) [Article, pdf]
"Parameter uncertainty quantification in an idealized GCM with a seasonal cycle"
Howland MF, Dunbar ORA, and Schneider, T
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) (2022) [Article, pdf]
“Optimal closed-loop wake steering, Part 2: Diurnal cycle atmospheric boundary layer conditions”
Howland MF, Ghate AS, Quesada JB, Martínez JJP, Zhong W, Larrañaga FP, Lele SK and Dabiri JO
Wind Energy Science (2022) [Article, pdf]
"Wind farm yaw control set-point optimization under model parameter uncertainty"
Howland MF
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2021) [Article, pdf]
"The curled wake model: a three-dimensional and extremely fast steady-state wake solver for wind plant flows"
Martínez-Tossas LA, King J, Quon E, Bay CJ, Mudafort R, Hamilton N, Howland MF, and Fleming PA
Wind Energy Science (2021) [Article, pdf]
"Near-wake structure of full-scale vertical-axis wind turbines"
Wei N, Brownstein I, Cardona JL, Howland MF and Dabiri JO
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2021) [Article, pdf]
"Influence of wake model superposition and secondary steering on model-based wake steering control with SCADA data assimilation"
Howland MF and Dabiri JO
Energies (2021) [Article, pdf]
"Influence of atmospheric conditions on the power production of utility-scale wind turbines in yaw misalignment"
Howland MF, Gonzalez C, Martínez JP, Quesada J, Larrañaga F, Yadav N , Chawla J and Dabiri JO
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2020), Featured Article [Article, pdf, Scilight]
"Optimal closed-loop wake steering - Part 1: Conventionally neutral atmospheric boundary layer conditions"
Howland MF, Ghate AS, Lele SK and Dabiri JO
Wind Energy Science (2020) [Article, pdf]
"Influence of the geostrophic wind direction on the atmospheric boundary layer flow"
Howland MF, Ghate AS and Lele SK
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2020) [Article]
"Wind farm power optimization through wake steering"
Howland MF, Lele SK and Dabiri JO
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (2019), Cover Article [Article, pdf]
"Wind farm modeling with interpretable physics-informed machine learning"
Howland MF and Dabiri JO
Energies (2019) [Article, pdf]
"Dependence of small-scale energetics on large scales in turbulent flows"
Howland MF and Yang XIA
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2018) [Article, pdf]
"Implication of Taylor’s hypothesis on measuring flow modulation"
Yang XIA and Howland MF
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2018) [Article, pdf]
"Measurement of unsteady loading and power output variability in a micro wind farm model in a wind tunnel"
Bossuyt J, Howland MF, Meneveau C and Meyers J
Experiments in Fluids (2017) [Article, pdf]
"Wake structure in actuator disk models of wind turbines in yaw under uniform inflow conditions"
Howland MF, Bossuyt J, Martínez-Tossas LA, Meyers J and Meneveau C
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2016) [Article, pdf]
Conference publications and reports
“Multifidelity modeling and uncertainty quantification of heterogeneous roughness”
Shin Y, Chan M, Wang J, Zahtila T, Gorle C, Iaccarino G and Howland MF
Center for Turbulence Research Proceedings of the Summer Program 2024 (2024) [Article, pdf]
“Enhanced Modeling of Joint Yaw and Axial Induction Control Using Blade Element Momentum Methods"
Liew J, Heck KS and Howland MF
Torque 2024 [Conference Paper, pdf]
“Investigation of far-wake models coupled with yaw-induction control for power optimization"
Heck KS, Liew J and Howland MF
Torque 2024 [Conference Paper, pdf]
“Assessing closed-loop data-driven wind farm control strategies within a wind tunnel"
Hulsman P, Howland, MF, Gocmen T and Petrovic V
Torque 2024 [Conference Paper, pdf]
“Self-learning data-driven wind farm control strategy using field measurements"
Hulsman P, Howland, MF, Gocmen T and Petrovic V
American Control Conference 2024 [Conference Paper]
"On the impact of the yaw update frequency and wind direction forecasting on open-loop wake steering control"
Howland MF, Johlas HM, Quesada JB, Martínez JJP, Zhong W and Larrañaga FP.
American Control Conference 2022 [Conference paper]
"Coriolis effects within and trailing a large finite wind farm"
Howland MF, Ghate AS and Lele SK.
AIAA SciTech 2020 [Conference Paper, pdf]
"Seeing the wind: Visual wind speed prediction with a coupled convolutional and recurrent neural network"
Cardona, JL, Howland MF and Dabiri JO. 2019.
NeurIPS 2019 [Conference Paper, pdf]
"Influence of the horizontal component of Earth’s rotation on wind turbine wakes"
Howland MF, Ghate A and Lele SK.
Torque 2018 [Conference Paper, pdf]
"Dependence of small-scale energetics on large scales in wall-bounded flows"
Howland MF and Xiang XIA
CTR Annual Research Briefs (2017) [CTR Brief, pdf]
"Optimal control of a single leg hopper by Liouvillian system reduction"
Slade P, Powell S and Howland MF.
arXiv preprint (2017) [arXiv, pdf]
"Wind tunnel study of the power output spectrum in a micro wind farm"
Bossuyt J, Howland MF, Meneveau C and Meyers J.
Torque 2016 [Conference Paper, pdf]
"Measuring power output intermittency and unsteady loading in a micro wind farm model"
Bossuyt J, Howland MF, Meneveau C and Meyers J.
AIAA SciTech 2016 [Conference Paper, pdf]
"Assessing the impact of power rate limitation based wind control strategy"
Howland MF, Krishnan V, Brown N and McCalley J.
IEEE T&D 2014 [Conference Paper, pdf]